Tattygar Primary School

Tattygar Primary School

"Learning, Fun & Friendship since 1928"

  1. News
  2. Healthy Break Time Initiative - starts Monday

Healthy Break Time Initiative - starts Monday

12 January 2024 (by tattygar)

Dear Parents,Exciting news! We're reintroducing the Healthy Break Time Initiative at Tattygar PS. Starting on Monday, children should enjoy a nutritious break with snacks like fruits, vegetables, or savory bread-based treats (a list is available at the end of the letter).This initiative aims to promote healthy eating habits and enhance our pupils' well-being. Your support in providing wholesome snacks* for your child is appreciated as we embark on this journey toward a healthier and happier school environment.To kickstart the initiative off, the school councilors will be providing free fruit for all pupils each day for the next 4 weeks.Best regards,Mrs. McCaffrey

* This includes white or whole meal bread, rolls or baguettes, toast, plain bagels, wheaten, soda, potato or pitta bread, spread thinly with a little margarine, low-fat spread or butter; plain bread sticks, plain crackers or plain unsalted rice cakes; or a small sandwich with a sugar free filling such as tomato, tuna, chicken, cheese etc.

Not suitable: Sugary spreads, including jam, honey, marmalade or chocolate spread as these are harmful to teeth. Peanut butter is high in fat and salt and so is not recommended.

No cereal bars, or sweetened breads and pastries, eg. pancakes, scones (plain and fruit), fruit bread, malt loaf, brioche, croissants and Danish pastries as these contain a lot of sugar and/or fat and salt.